Letter of Goodstanding Certificates

The "COID Partners Support" assists more than a thousand Employers with their Letter of Goodstanding Certificate applications and manages to deliver a speedy and excellent service. All requests can be faxed to 086 218 7267 or e-mailed to...

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Who must register with the Fund?

All employers who employ one or more part time or full time employees must register with the Compensation Fund. A seperate registration is necessary for each separate branch of a business, unless an arrangement for combined registration has been made. An employer...

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Important Notice to all registered COIDA Employers

INSTALLMENT SETTLEMENTS Please be informed that with effect from 1 January 2013: 1. 20% of the balance owed will be required upfront in order to enter into an instalment arrangement. 2. The installment arrangement will be approved for a maximum period of 12 months....

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Important Notice to all Emerging Employers

TENDER LETTERS Please be informed that with effect from 1 January 2013, The Compensation Commissioner will issue tender letters under the following condition: 1.     Tender letters will be issued to businesses that have no employees. 2.     Employers that have been...

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